Our in-office workshops are open to the public and span a wide range of topics.

These 1-hour-long sessions are exciting, hands-on, and directly applicable to your daily life the second you walk out the door.

Regular patients and non-patients are welcome to attend. 

  • Led by: Dr. Jeremy Brook

    Drawing from yoga and other movement disciplines, this workshop will lubricate your sacred geometry from the cranium to the sacrum and out through the limbs. This is THE ULTIMATE MOBILITY CLASS you’ve been waiting for.

    If you are a movement enthusiast looking to optimize your performance and minimize pain and restrictions….this workshop is for you!

    Dress in clothes you can move in. Integrate this powerful movement sequence into your daily practice and watch your mobility and performance explode!

  • Breathwork and Guided Meditation Workshop led by Dr. Brook is an experiential group session incorporating pranayama-yogic breathing methods, and guided meditations, combined with a setting, or a recipe, on the BioCharger.

    The BioCharger combines four different energy types—light, voltage, frequencies & harmonics, and pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs)—into one ultimate biohacking machine.

    We can select a “recipe” that will generate a desired frequency for your body to soak in. Recipes are what we call the frequency programs that run on the BioCharger. They are what make the BioCharger sing with revitalizing energy. Now it’s great for just meditating next to it, but we’re going to take it a couple levels deeper!

    So here’s the deal:

    - We’re going to sit in front of the BioCharger like a high tech campfire.

    - Set the recipe to a desired recipe of frequencies.

    - Dr. Brook will take you through a guided meditation along with various breathing styles and vocal chants.

    It’s going to be a blast. Literally.

    We will be starting sharp at 6:30 PM. No late comers will be taken.

    RSVP with our concierges at the front desk, as the good seats will be limited.

    FREE for patients on Corrective and Wellness Care Plans.

    $45 for non-patients and guests.

    Pay here :

  • The Life Center Chiropractic and Drs. Jeremy Brook and Kristyn Silver-Brook offer Cultivating Alignment 101 as their signature workshop designed to catapult you to a higher level of health.

    This workshop will teach you the fundamentals of how to move, stretch, and strengthen your core infrastructure. A must for the modern homo sapien.

    They will also teach you about stress physiology and how to override stress through specific and scientific breathing, concentration, and meditation techniques.

    You probably have a ton of questions about what you should be doing to get back better results faster…. so we created this workshop to answer ALL your questions!

    CULTIVATING ALIGNMENT 101 is held every 3rd Wednesday of the month.

  • Led by: Dr. Jeremy Brook

    This is an interactive workshop to access your restorative and chill-out aspect of your nervous system…the Parasympathetics.

    Using meditation, breathing techniques and yoga postures you will drop into deep states of relaxation to help you combat the effects of your stressed out, fast-paced life.

    Discover how to shift from your sympathetic—fight-flight-freeze—physiology to one that keeps you relaxed and calm….in just under 60 minutes.

  • This workshop/class is designed to increase your primal agility of your spine, hips, knee, and feet as well as protection from degeneration and dis-ease.

    The Low Back + Hips Sequence Class is for two types of people. The first is for the person looking to get maximum performance out of their body by exploring different shape combinations that are required for optimal function. The second is for the person struggling with mobility limitations who desires to increase their strength, flexibility, and function, while decreasing pain, degeneration, and dis-ease.

    This is an interactive workshop that’s designed to take you from the floor to standing up by moving through a series of floor based postures. Although this concept may sound basic and unnecessary, due to our modern sedentary lifestyle and poor design of furniture we have lost the innate biomechanical ability to transition smoothly from sitting on the floor to standing upright on two feet.

    Watch a toddler or young children navigate on the ground level. They have the flexibility of a Chinese acrobat. Flash forward 20-30 years, and these peeps have the flexibility of a 4,000-year-old mummy. Why is that? Its all about the shapes that we put ourselves into throughout the day on a day in day out basis. These abnormal positions shrink our full range of motion. We’re left with stiff and achy bodies.

    To maneuver from the floor to a standing position is a lost art…unless you practice yoga, jiu-jitsu, or some other discipline that spends time on the floor. Children mastered this movement sequence. Regrettably, we have created a life of physical convenience and laziness and in doing so we lost this normal skill set.

    Solution: return to the natural postures we assumed as little babies as we learned to sit up tall, crawl, squat, and stand. These floor based postures were critical during our early growth and developmental years. Unfortunately we devolved once we learned how to stand up. We shoved and squeezed our bodies into the confining chair sitting position or the uber cushy couch, and that’s when things went wrong on a biomechanical level.

    Our neuro-musculo-skeletal system needs a full spectrum of movement to stay in good moving health. If you want to wake up tomorrow and perform at your highest potential or simply to age gracefully, it is critical….essential ….and mandatory that you spend time on the floor in the postures that you will learn in this seminar.

    Until we see you in person…. Get out of your chair or off your sofa and get on the floor! While you’re at….take off your shoes too and go barefoot!

  • Led by: Dr. Jeremy Brook

    Drawing from yoga and other movement disciplines, this workshop will stretch and strengthen your neck and shoulders.

    If you are a movement enthusiast looking to optimize your performance and minimize pain and restrictions….this workshop is for you.

    Dress in clothes you can move in. Integrate this powerful movement sequence into your daily practice and watch your mobility and performance explode!

  • Led by: Dr. Jeremy Brook

    Drawing from yoga and other movement disciplines, this workshop will lubricate the sacred geometry of your low back, pelvis, hips, and legs.

    If you are a movement enthusiast looking to optimize your performance and minimize pain and restrictions….this workshop is for you!

    Dress in clothes you can move in. Integrate this powerful movement sequence into your daily practice and watch your mobility and performance explode!

  • Dr. Jeremy Brook shares his movement sequence for the neck and shoulders.

    Drawing from yoga and other movement disciplines, this workshop will lubricate the sacred geometry of the upper portion of your body.

    If you are a movement enthusiast looking to optimize your performance and minimize pain and restrictions….this workshop is for you.

    Dress in clothes you can move in!

  • If you’re a yoga teacher or serious practitioner who desires to enhance your understanding of the lumbar spine as it relates to yoga… You’re don’t want to miss this valuable workshop.

    Learn advanced biomechanical principles of the lumbar spine for optimal alignment.

    Learn the top 2 ways yogis hurt their low back

    Asana/vinyasa with X-ray analysis will be explored

    Learn how to unlock the low back from pain and distress by integrating a scientifically designed sequence based on the laws of biomechanics. Vinyasa krama at its finest!

    If you ever had uncertainty how to move and position your lumbar spine, you won’t after this workshop!

  • This is an interactive workshop to access your restorative and chill-out aspect of your nervous system…the Parasympathetics.

    Using meditation, 2 breathing techniques and 3 yoga postures you will drop into deep states of relaxation to help you combat the effects of your stressed out, fast-paced life.

    Discover how to shift from your sympathic—fight-flight-freeze- physiology to one that keeps you relaxed and calm….in just under 60 minutes.

  • From reptile to erectile … from all fours to two feet!

    This workshop/class is designed to increase your primal agility of your spine, hips, knee, and feet as well as protection from degeneration and dis-ease.

    The ARCHETYPAL FLOOR POSTURE SEQUENCE workshop is for two types of people.

    The person looking to get maximum performance out of their body by exploring different shape combinations that are required for optimal function.

    The person struggling with mobility limitations who desires to increase their strength, flexibility, and function, while decreasing pain, degeneration, and dis-ease.

    This is an interactive workshop that’s designed to take you from the floor to standing up by moving through a series of floor based postures. Although this concept may sound basic and unnecessary, due to our modern sedentary lifestyle and poor design of furniture we have lost the innate biomechanical ability to transition smoothly from sitting on the floor to standing upright on two feet.

    Watch a toddler or young children navigate on the ground level. They have the flexibility of a Chinese acrobat. Flash forward 20-30 years, and these peeps have the flexibility of a 4,000-year-old mummy. Why is that? Its all about the shapes that we put ourselves into throughout the day on a day in day out basis. These abnormal positions shrink our full range of motion. We’re left with stiff and achy bodies.

    To maneuver from the floor to a standing position is a lost art…unless your regularly do yoga, jiu-jitsu, or some other discipline that spends time on the floor. Children mastered this movement sequence. Regrettably, we have created a life of physical convenience and laziness and in doing so we lost this normal skill set.

    Solution… return to the natural postures we assumed as little babies as we learned to sit up tall, crawl, squat, and stand. These floor based postures were critical during our early growth and developmental years. Unfortunately we de-volved once we learned how to stand up. We shoved and squeezed our bodies into the confining chair sitting position or the uber cushy couch, and that’s when things went wrong on a biomechanical level.

    Our neuro-musculo-skeletal system needs a full spectrum of movement to stay in good moving health. If you want to wake up tomorrow and perform at your highest potential or simply to age gracefully, it is critical….essential ….and mandatory that you spend time on the floor in the postures that you will learn in this seminar.

    Until we see you in person…. Get out of your chair or off your sofa and get on the floor! While you’re at….take off your shoes too and go barefoot!